We believe children learn best through play.

During play children navigate through social experiences, as well as have a hands-on approcah to learn about their world.

We incoorporate Frog street into our daily schedules as well. Frog Stret uses early brain development research to develop the specific age appropriate activites. These two methods together helps us promote a rich curriculum and foster growth in academics as well as social/emotional and physical development.

In our preschool classrooms the teachers are observing and taking notes on children's interaction and conversations. We use these observations as well as assessment tools to get an in depth look at what children are learning. We document this and send home updates 3 times a year in our preschool rooms. Our toddler rooms are also observing and assessing, however due to the quickly developing brain and ever changing classroom dynamics, teachers provide daily feedback to parents through daily log sheets and face-to-face conversations. At this time parents and teachers can express milestones they have reached, or concerns they may have.             

We view the parent as an essential resource for the child's learning. To foster community, we host a variety of events throughout each school year, including conferences and special events for parents.

Want to learn more about development for this age? Here are some websites to check out!


